3D Smile Simulation

Dentist Offering 3D Smile
Simulation in Alpharetta, GA

Comprehensive dental procedures can be a daunting proposition. Even if you have a strong desire to correct an aesthetic problem (like gaps or crooked teeth), or a health-related issue that may require orthodontics, it can be hard to feel comfortable moving forward without knowing what the results will look and feel like.

Dr. Doug Worful in Alpharetta, GA, offers the latest imaging and diagnostic technology, using 3D smiles simulation to let patients see beforehand the exact impact orthodontics or restorative dentistry will have on their bite. These computerized images are precise and personal, allowing you and your doctor to design your ideal smile digitally before you begin treatment.

What to Expect from 3D Smile Simulation

Picture a before, and after picture, only you’re the model. You will get the chance to see the potential benefits and impact of any proposed treatment without undergoing any procedure other than a quick oral scan. It not only helps you understand the effects of the process but deepens the conversation you’ll have with Dr. Worful about which treatments will be right for you.

Dr. Worful provides patient-oriented care, meaning he partners with you to help you achieve your dental goals. He wants you to have a healthy, beautiful smile, and he understands that every patient is different. 3D smile simulation helps Dr. Worful tailor his treatments to your exact preferences, getting the best results and making sure you remain comfortable and confident in your care.

Dr. Worful uses the most advanced technology available, including the iTero intraoral digital scanner — considered the most precise digital imaging tool on the market. The iTero intraoral scanner is a vast improvement over other imaging technology. It allows Dr. Worful to get extremely precise, comprehensive digital images immediately, using only a small tool that will not be uncomfortable for the patient. You can easily share these images with any lab you may be working with, and they are available to be viewed immediately in Dr. Worful’s office.

Using the precise images taken by the iTero scanner, Dr. Worful can draw up a 3D smile simulation, allowing you to see the effects of any proposed treatment while you’re still in the chair. You’ll see your teeth as they are now, then you’ll see a precise rendering of how they will look after making any adjustments under discussion. It is a great way to understand the impact of Invisalign or braces before beginning treatment. These images can additionally be used to help you determine the best course of treatment for your situation, allowing you to consider the look of different treatment approaches before committing.

The iTero may be used for many common dental procedures. Depending on your needs and goals, we may scan to:

  • Treat damaged teeth with dental crowns
  • Check for a healthy “bite,” how your upper and lower teeth come together when you bite down
  • Evaluate teeth alignment
  • Correct misalignment and bite issues with orthodontic systems such as Invisalign®
  • Detect and monitor excessive wear on the teeth; for instance, from bruxism (tooth-grinding)

Dr. Worful believes in putting the patient first, and he’ll work with you closely to understand your goals before proposing treatment. He’ll answer all questions you may have and use advanced 3D smile simulation to demonstrate the impact of any proposed treatment. This way, you can become an active, informed participant in your care.

Dr. Worful wants you to have your ideal smile, and he’ll work with you to achieve the look and feel you want. Make an appointment today to learn more about how he can help by calling (678) 762-1601.

Learn More About 3D Smile Simulation

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